
Crysis Wars

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Crysis Wars Multiplayer

Crysis Wars is a multiplayer game developed by Crytek that launched in 2008. The game's official servers were shut down in 2014 along with many other games ...

Crysis Wars | Crysis Wiki

Crysis Wars is a standalone multiplayer game developed by Crytek, packaged with Crysis Warhead. It serves to improve upon the multiplayer experience in the ...


The installer is the recommended option for most people. It will install the full game if you do not have it, and it can patch an existing game installation ...


2014年2月1日 — > Crysis Wars是Crysis系列另外的即時戰略遊戲,並非Crysis主軸的一部份。 Crysis Wars不是當初和Crysis Warhead綁在一起的多人線上版而已嗎?應該不是 ...

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Steam 社区:

Crysis Wars® 会提供全新的多人模式游戏体验,拥有21 张对战地图(其中7张地图是新地图),让你与世界各地的玩家尽情厮杀。Crysis Warhead 是一款独立资料片,不需要Crysis ...

Steam 社群:

Crysis Wars - Pulse-racing new installment from 2007's PC Game of the Year*: Play as Sergeant Sykes and experience a whole new side of the battle.


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